Regular buyer feedback
to win more deals

If you do not take time to understand why you win or lose, how can you expect to improve your performance?
Trusted by B2B industry leaders

Reveal the truth behind every deal

Win Loss Analysis is a powerful tool that helps understand why you win or lose deals. By analyzing the decision drivers that really impacted the final decision, B2B companies gain impactful insights they can use to improve win rates.
Global dashboard of why BB2 companies win and lose 1
Global dashboard of win rates analysis of our clients 1

Why win-loss analysis?

Ambitious companies take time to dig the buyer’s decision process. Win-loss analysis is used as a new secret weapon:
It helps identify your company's strengths, weaknesses and competitive gaps, giving you a consistent edge in your market.

Continuous win-loss analysis will help your company reveal hidden buyer needs and assess key drivers to focus on for closing new business.
No buyer feedback
Biased Sales-centric data
Useless lost reasons
No win reason analysis
One-off win-loss research
Siloed teams (Sales, Marketing, Product)
Systematic buyer feedback
Reliable Buyer-centric data
Actionable insights based on decision drivers
Double down on winning strategies
Continuous win-loss analysis
Global strategic alignment
No buyer feedback
Systematic buyer feedback
Biased Sales-centric data
Reliable Buyer-centric data
Useless lost reasons
Actionable insights based on decision drivers
No win reason analysis
Double down on winning strategies
One-off win-loss research
Continuous win-loss analysis
Siloed teams (Sales, Marketing, Product)
Global strategic alignment

Who needs to perform win-loss analysis

Win-loss analysis is key for both growing and mature markets as well as start-up and established enterprises. B2B growing companies need to constantly adjust their GTM strategies to lead their market. Established enterprises need to secure their market position and find new ways to differentiate from competitors.

Win-Loss Analysis aligns every team

How to do win-loss analysis?

The win-loss analysis process is an iterative methodology designed to systematically collect feedback, signals, and intel from your prospects and customers. It follows these steps:
  • Design your program and its objectives
  • Collect key insights from your buyer
  • Aggregate and analyze data
  • Activate what you’ve learned and take the sharpest decisions
  • Start again
At the end of the journey, the insights you obtain are essential for your business's growth and performance.
Customize your own automation rules
Learn more about Automate
Step into your prospects & clients' mind
Learn more about Collect
Drive your strategy based on regular buyer feedback - not gut feeling!
Learn more about Analyze
Don’t do “old-fashioned win-loss analysis”. Do “actionable win-loss analysis”
Learn more about Activate

Frequently asked questions

Why best B2B companies are adopting win-loss ?
Best Revenue leaders understand that the key thing about selling is knowing why you sell and why you don’t sell. It’s the start from which you establish your sales, product, pricing and marketing strategy. If you are not sure about why you win or lose, you take regular small actions that can have no or less impact. Win-Loss analysis owner also understand that their company leaves money on the table. On the 80% of the deal they lose, approximately 25% should have been won. They need to know how. But they can’t only rely on their CRM’s closed-lost reason.
How Diffly’s win-loss analysis is different from my CRM closed-lost fields ?
This is because your CRM data is wrong 90% of the time. If we analyse what your CRM says when you lose a deal, it’s due to “price” or “product” reasons. But you first need to dig and know what were the exact drivers behind “pricing” and “product”. Also, many other factors have potentially impacted your deals (reputation, competitor’s best approach, customization, references, warranties, etc.). You can’t take relevant actions to improve win rates based on your CRM closed-lost reasons.
What is the new superpower you can get by adopting Diffly’s win-loss analysis ?
Have you ever dreamed about being in your buyer’s mind? Diffly helps you step into it. Thanks to this new superpower, you can: Win future deals with the insights from the past that made you win or lose and Increase client retention with churn & renewal analysis solution
Who benefits the most win-loss analysis?
Win-Loss Analysis is usually a must-have for sales-led businesses of all sizes. It's particularly valuable for Revenue teams (particularly CRO and Ops) as well as Product Marketing Manager teams. Usually, C-level, marketing professionals, product managers, customer success managers and competitive analysts are also looking to improve their productivity thanks to win-loss. Systemizing win-loss analysis will help you improve win rates as well as your sales tactics, customer engagement and marketing positioning.
Why do I need a neutral party such as Diffly?
An external third party ensures unbiased feedback collection as buyers are more likely to share candid and honest opinions about their experience. This neutral approach helps uncover insights that you can’t find yourself, free from internal preconceptions or biases. Not to mention the expertise of Diffly’s interviewers who are trained to extract the true decision drivers that really impacted your deals. You constantly get one single source of irrefutable truth that aligns every team.
Why do I also need to take time to analyse the win reasons ?
People usually only analyse the reasons why they lose a deal. But it’s also deeply relevant to analyse why they win a deal. You can duplicate winning strategies and share what works across your organisation.
How can I find the right balance between qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys ?
Diffly adapts the feedback collection strategy to your business. Depending on your deal size and your volume of opportunities, you will have a majority of interviews (high deal size, low volume) or a majority of surveys (low deal size, high volume). What is key is to mix quantitative and qualitative.
Who are Diffly’s founders?
Julien, David and Anne-Sophie founded Diffly with the vision to create a new last step in all the CRM of the world. You can know more about why they launched Diffly here.